Friday, September 16, 2011

What are your thoughts on Pelosi having a plane fly to a different Airport so she could save 45 min drive time?

She had the airforce to fly an empty plane( her plane is special, but that's a different story) from SFO to Travis AFB because she was at her vineyards to save herself a 45 min commute. I'm sure this story will lead off NBC news tonight.|||The speaker of the house having a special plane was an idea created by the Bush administration, and the republican controlled congress. The speaker this plane was first created for was Dennis Hasstert (R). Pick your battles. This is not a good one for conservatives. They wrote the legislation that provided Nacy with her plane. Trust me you don't want his story on MSNBC or CNN. It will expose yet more phoney outrage from the hypocritical right-wing. Without them, she wouldn't have this plane. VERY FUNNY!

You guys seriously don't realise that Hastert had a plane too? EVEN MORE FUNNY! I suppose you were equally outraged when you saw this reported on FOX news when it happened after 9/11. Oh wait... they probably didn't report it. It would have made him look bad. He did not fly civilian flights, he flew on his own personal C-20 aircraft. As it is that Republicans wrote the bill that provided Hastert (and all future speakers of the house) this plane, they have no one to point the blame at for her having a plane but themselves. Republicans in congress are the ones who thought that speakers was entitled enough to have his/her own plane. It's interesting that you are outraged over this, but most people outrage is way off the target because all they know is what they've seen on FOX news. Anyone could easily research this bill themselves through an impartial source as I did.

Typical republican. Do as I say, don't do as I do.

Edit: Ababa, you are exactly right that the did plane had a purpose, and still does! The plane Hastert had is not capable of flying coast to coast most of the year (Though I'm told by experts that it is possible some times) without refueling. Seeing how most of the outrage here is not specifically over the size of the plane, but the plane itself, everything I said still applies. Now if you want to talk about the size of the plane being the issue... that's a completely different matter of even less significance, and it still doesn't excuse the republicans for being the ones that created the 'speaker plane'.

If Nancy went back to using the C-20 Hastert used would you be satisfied? Because I don't think that would satisfy most of the phoney outrage here, which seems to be based in the fact she has ANY plane at all.|||i hope it crashes.|||Not only that but she thinks the AF planes are her personal taxi service.|||Is this the worse things that's happened to this country in the last couple years?|||She is Speaker of the House, 3rd in line to be President.

Wake up

Or go shoot wolf puppies from a helicopter.

Mr. News|||Yeah can you believe it. What a Pompus B***H she is... And this is on our dime!|||Pelosi is a skank. I would like to give a very special helicopter ride.|||These people think they are God at our expense their arrogance is appalling.. The entire congress and senate needs to replaced ASAP|||She mindless with power, it's a typical don't do as I do do as I say!|||This has been debunked already.|||Nothing wrong with that as she loves wine!!!|||This is another fine example of liberalism at its best.

Cry because she can't get a plane on demand.

You won't see this story carry by NBC or the rest of the media expect Fox and than liberals will call Fox liars.|||I think it's awesome. One more "Change" in the Obama Administration's track record to benefit the opposite party in 3 1/2 years...|||Pelosi doesn't care about anyone or anything except herself. She feels too important in the job of saving 500 million American jobs a month for America's 300 million citizens, in all of Osama's 57 states, to listen to NBC.|||I think she was running late for her latest appointment for her Botox injections. Gotta look nice when Brad Pitt comes to town, you know.|||Newt didn't have a plane when he was Speaker. Democrats want to live and act like dictators on the public doll!

No wonder obama loves Communism.|||She is THE classic hypocritical, brain-dad Liberal. Ugh...repulsive.|||Politicians are corrupt, and the more powerful they are, the more corrupt they become. Regardless of party.|||Strange how some people believe she is entitled to this because of her being the Speaker of the House. No other Speaker of the House did this. She could fly commercially if she chose to. There is no law against it. That is what Newt Gingrich did. That is what Dennis Hassert did. After all, the Speaker of the House is also just a Congressman. If she were not speaker, how would she get to and from her vineyards?

*|||That's unbelievable to hear complains about Pelosi and the plane. That can be only on Fox News ... it's like Hannity's main topic today.

There is such a huge difference between a bailed-out CEO using a plane with our money and Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House. I don't understand how you can't see that.

One asked us to give him money after he caused a collapse. With that money, if he could fly coach, that'd be normal.

The other is part of our government and whether you like it or not, she is quite busy (please no rant, the facts show she is a busy woman)

So please focus your hate on something more important and put your bias (or what Sean told you to blindly believe) on the side for a minute|||typical democrat. do as i say not as i do. she loves big government and wasteful spending of our tax dollars|||Hey Me M....the policy of having a private plane for the speaker of the house came after 911. Due to the fact that the speaker is third in line to the presidency, it was to protect the person in that position. That plane was an 11 seater that the republican speaker had. But princess nancy decided she needed a private 40 seater for all her friends and family to fit in. Nice try once more trying to blame the republicans for greedy liberals over spending. Why don't you go by a snack with our food stamps....|||She's a diva

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