Friday, September 23, 2011

Why is first class at the front of a plane?

Lets face it, if a plane is going to crash, it doesn't matter where you sit, but if there is more chance of surviving at the back of the plane, surely after paying all that extra money, you would want the best chance to live?!|||I'd rather sit in the back - aeroplanes don't reverse into mountains do they! lol|||Closest to the door, closest to the galley, closest to the rest rooms, furthest from the engines (in some cases)|||Used to be smokers sat in the back.|||Well there are several reasons.

Turbulence at the front of the plane is lower than the back. The engines cause some disturbance but imagine straightening out a wire hanger and waving it around. One end is fixed firmly in your hands and the other is going crazy. Aircraft are extremely flexible and will bounce around more in the back than the because the bump hits the front and causes the back to vibrate more just like the wire.

Noise levels are much lower ahead of the engines as well.

Arrangement plays a part where the more prominent passengers feel they should be in the front or even on top(for the 747 and A380). It is partially about loading but you would have to know what airport you are going to in order to truly benefit from being the first off the plane. Some airports have very advanced loading and unloading walkways that allow for both the top, bottom, front, and the back to unload at once. Not looking into the other area's of the plane is also beneficial.

However, the classes are really determined by the airline. Economy on Virgin Atlantic is like First Class on some airlines. The prices are very affordable compared to other major carriers that fly people in very close to the same seat and call it First Class.

Some airlines have no classes like Southwest Airlines. Air Canada has Business Class seats for roughly half the airplanes configuration if not more in some cases.|||Smother quieter ride in the front , less engine noise .

In the days when you could visit the flight deck I was amazed how quiet it was up-front with the pilots.

So better still fly the plane and get paid for the privilege.|||all the ppl with the thick wallets sit up there generally. plus, first on first off. In an emergency, first off sometimes. in a crash on a jet, everyone is gonna die usually.|||It's quieter in front of the engines.

Besides, if the good seats are in the front of the plane, all the people cramped back in economy can see how much more comfortable first class is and will be more likely to pay extra next time.

I liked 'taxed til I die's response. I always thought it ironic that the smokers were the most likely to survive a plane crash.

Re: Stevie G's answer: The engines might start out in the back, but they aren't going to stay there long if the plane crashes. They'll obey Newton's first law of inertia and make their way to first class. (I think that's Newton's first law of inertia: the engines always wind up in first class?)|||Because they deserve to arrive first having paid well over the top for their seat.|||Because first class always arrives first and deplanes first so they give the 1st class passenger's the shortest walk|||It's probally so the people in First Class aren't looking forward into the Economy/Coach Class seating and it will be quieter with it been in front of the engines.|||First in First Out...JUst like riding a country school bus.|||The front gets less turbulence and is less likely to be disturbed by the engines but it is also a marketing tool because if people are sitting at the back they are more likely to see the difference and try to find some way to pay the extra amount. also if the plane crashes into the mountain it is better to be further forward because it is the engines that will burst into flames threatening the lives of the people in the back the plane imminently also the engines have an automatic cut off if the plane hits anything so the people at the front cannot be sucked backwards and shredded and finally the plane is designed so that it is very hard for the plane to become a crumpled ball of metal, bodies and luggage.|||Front gets the least turbulence|||easy on, easy off.|||Ask yourself this. What direction do they start at? Front, to back. EVERYTHING is up for grabs, at the beginning. As they move along, all that's left is mixed nuts, and stale soda. You're sitting too far back!

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