Friday, September 16, 2011

How did you felt when you took a plane for the very first time?

i'm taking a plane soon,and its my second time and i'm still having that fear,i can't seem to conquer it. The first time i took a plane,i remain glued to the seat for the entire journey to and fro,i can't seem to get over it,so care to share your experiences?|||It was fun.

When I was around 8 year old, I went from New Jersey to Florida (both are states in the USA), it took 4-6 hrs. I was so excited the time just seemed to fly by (no pun intended) I forget what I did, I mostly looked out the window, drew, read, etc...

I've been to China when I was 12, and Japan when I was 20, both flights were 18 hours STRAIGHT flights, I went with a friend to Japan. We watched DVDs, slept, ate, read, etc...

Last summer I went to Seattle from NJ, that was a 6-8 hr flight, I mostly read a book and went on my laptop and watched videos.

Just keep yourself occupied.


Listen to Music.

Play handheld games.

Play card or board games.



Watch videos.



etc...|||Don't be fearful. Try to remain calm. You have anxiety because you feel that you have no control over the flight.

Flying commercially is the safest mode of transportation, way safer than driving an automobile, and you do that every day, don't you?

If you drive, your chances of dying in a crash during your trip are about 24 times higher than if you go by airplane. Your chances of being in a fatal aircraft accident during your trip is extremely small--about the same as winning the Virginia lottery in seven plays.

You hear and read about every single aircraft crash in the news because it is so rare, it makes the news. If you read about every single automobile crash, can you imagine how many newspapers you'd have to receive on your doorstep everyday just to cover that in the US alone?

Bring things to read, a snack and your ipod. Try to take a nap or talk to your neighbors. Get up and take walks up and down the aisles. You could look out the window and count clouds. Try to stop worrying about flying. You can medicate yourself before you board, that鈥檚 always an option. You can get a prescription from your doc for Ambien or Valium, or try an OTC medication such as Nyquil or a sleeping pill.

Aircraft are maintained meticulously, and much more rigorously than any automobile. And the pilots are trained and medically re-certified every 6 months which is more than you can say for the incompetents out there driving cars.

Flying is very safe and engine failure and plane crashes are actually very rare. Try not to worry!


Oops, I forgot to answer your first question!

My first flight was when I was 4 or 5 years old along with my younger sister. My family went to Hawaii for a family reunion-type vacation. We flew on a DC-10, I think. I thought it was great fun and spent the time drawing pictures and listening to crying babies the whole way. I remember the big, steep stairways for de-boarding, and the big vast cockpit that I enjoyed peeking into. My family still thinks that's why I got into flying, but I don't think so, I was only 4 or 5, what did I know back then? I hardly remember any of it!|||I was six years old, flying from Detroit to Los Angeles via American Airlines with a stop in Chicago. Because my parents had me eat breakfast before the flight, when we landed in Chicago, my stomach "stayed up" while the plane went down. I threw up! That said, now I'm 54 years old and is just as amazed with the power and speed sensations today as back then. I generally sit behind the wing so I can watch the flaps and spoilers do "their thing". I have never been afraid to fly and I don't eat anything heavy before I fly, though I've been known to have a cocktail or two before boarding. I enjoy and prefer flying much more than long distance driving. Good luck and enjoy you flight|||The first time when I flew I was three years old. It was on a Vietnamese airliner evacuating civilians from was zone. The flight attendant was beautiful. She spoiled me silly. It was fun. I was just a kid. I told her that I want to be a pilot when I grow up. She told me that I will. As luck turned out I'm Capitan Gatito now. I'm pilot in command of my flying litter box. It's the greatest privilege life has afforded me.|||I had my first flight as a passenger when I was about 10 years old, and thought it was great fun.

I had my first flight as a pilot in my 40s. It was even more fun.

I really don't understand fear of flying. Sorry.|||I was 9 and I wasn't scared, it was fun the first 2 times, then it got so boring being on the same plane for 8 hours.|||of course you'll be scared.. but then it was FANTASTIC!|||what are you scared about?

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