Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What are the regular speeds of the plane and the ship?

Jonathan covers 1,580 miles by 4-hour ride on a plane and 25-hour ride by ship. Once he went with 50% the regular speed of the plane and 125% the regular speed of the ship and covered 1,315 miles for the same number of hours.|||Speed of the ship (s) in terms of the speed of the plane (p):

4p + 25s = 1,580

s = 63.2 - 0.16p

0.5(4p) + 1.25(25s) = 1,315

2p + 31.25s = 1,315

s = 42.08 - 0.064p

Speed of the plane鈥攑:

63.2 - 0.16p = 42.08 - 0.064p

0.096p = 21.12

p = 220

Speed of the ship鈥?st equation:

= 63.2 - 0.16(220)

= 63.2 - 35.2

= 28

Answer: plane, 220 mph; ship, 28 mph

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